《帶著骨灰去旅行》-Travel with remain ashes

My husband always joke about my afterlife, about the idea of bringing my remain in the urn and travel together until he passed away. So I translate this song for him. His idea of my afterlife became a concept, a song, a laugh in our daily conversation.

作曲: Kenix Cheang@Private Zoo
作詞: 黃偉文
編曲: Kenix Cheang@Private Zoo
監製: 舒文@Zoo Music/Kenix Cheang@Private Zoo
OP: Private Zoo admin by Universal Music Publishing Limited/
Wyman admin by Universal Music Publishing Limited

singer: 洪卓立 Ken Hung

此刻不講 擔心我 忘了說
If i don’t speak up now
I am afraid I will forget

簡單一生 皆因你 足夠幸福了
simple life
because of you
my life is blessed

無人能預計未來 這心肺哪一秒壞掉
nobody know the future
my heart and lung died any second

平日我離家去 都先吻你
during normal day when I left home
I would kiss you goodbye first

若回不去了 感激你的照料
If I can’t come back
(Let me say) Thank you for your care (now)

年月算短 不過全部也美妙
short month and years (being together)
but everything is wonderful

別話我悲觀了 情願你早知曉
Don’t say that I am pessimistic
I hope you know (the truth) early

Don’t need to swap my grave

Travel with my remains

重新數數鐵塔上 每一格閃燈
Counting every single window’s light on the
Eiffel tower again

If fate is being too rude

don’t let me keep living

但至少 曾共你 好得很
at least I was with you
in this great life together

Taipei’s street food are seductive

London’ weather is troublesome

重溫怎跟我 企在銅像前擁吻
Rewind how we kissed each other in front of the bronze statue

還望你慶幸 旅程多開~心
Would love to hope you being blessed
about the trip together

那時共你 與樂園是那麼近
Travel together with you
is the closest distance toward paradise

留下沿途車票 多些拍照
leftover the train tickets
take more photos

未來灰暗了 都可靠它照耀
if the future is dimmed
we can use them (the memories) to bright us up

情話散於 地球無限個角落
words of love
spread out on earth in every single corners limitlessly

日後再幫我 引你在下世紀一笑
(the words of love)
help me tickle you to laugh
til next century and forward

Don’t need to swap my grave

Travel with my remains

重新數數鐵塔上 每一格閃燈
Counting every single window’s light on the
Eiffel tower again

If fate is being too rude

don’t let me keep living

但至少 曾共你 好得很
at least I was with you
in this great life together

Taipei’s street food are seductive

London’ weather is troublesome

重溫怎跟我 企在銅像前擁吻
Rewind how we kissed each other in front of the bronze statue

還望你慶幸 旅程多開~心
Would love to hope you being blessed
about the trip together

繼而讓我 撒在沿路那小鎮
then (the memory would) let me
spread (the ashes) to the path in that small town

人存在那麼虛渺 得到過你
being human is so vain
got you (in my life)

比得到每個殊榮 更逼真
is better and real
than every single honor (I earned)

Don’t need to farewell (yet)

why puzzled with wrinkles on your face

明知這假設太壞 難令人興奮
knowing that this assumption is the worst
(and) can’t make you excited

言若似有憾 我無非感恩
if there is words of regret
I am nothing more than being grateful

有你陪伴我 每段遊歷都吸引
(about that ) I have you as my companion
every trip is attractive

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Here comes the bride wedding song in Cantonese 結婚進行曲 — 港男填詞 (funny)



An old foolish person’s song


lyric: Hong Kong Male

Translate: skinniwini


成個老親 從此被困

An old foolish person

being trapped from now on
成副身家 俾晒佢 任佢駛

The whole saving gives to her

let her spends
成個老親 從此被困

An old foolish person

being trapped from now on
全部買樓 的業權 都歸佢

100% home owner agreement

all for her

Working day and night

Get off work so tired and lazy

and still have to cook dinner
她猛睇電視 我去洗衫

She watching tv nonstopping

I go to do laundry
我乜都要做 她卻坐左係度

I have to do everything

but she just need to sit here
唔願做野 卻又嫌三嫌四

doesn’t willing to do work

but being nail picking
佢做錯野 就梗要俾人鬧

She got mistake

of course, she needs to apologize
人地話佢 佢就話人地錯

Other people lecture her

She said is other people’s fault
成個老親 從此被困

An old foolish person

being trapped from now on
成副身家 俾晒佢 任佢駛

The whole saving gives to her

let her spends
成個老親 從此被困

An old foolish person

being trapped from now on
全部買樓 的業權 通通都歸佢

100% homeowner agreement

everything under her name

There is no U-turn

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陳慧嫻 – 今天夜裡總下雨 (Priscilla Chan – Always raining tonight)

My first best friend in teens betrayed me and fall in love with my boyfriend. She wrote a long letter of how much she hurt me and apologized to me what she was done.

5 years later, the first girl I love and she was my best friend in college. I betrayed her without telling her I slept with a lover who slept with her at the same period of time without I knew about it.

My regret of hurting the first girl I love stayed deep inside my heart, and this song is dedicated to both of them.

I wish that I won’t be regret from now on. And time will move forward in my unconscious brain.



作曲:Martin Kennedy

曾是知心友共你的情誼 從未變異

We used to be best friend

And our friendship never changed
憑無盡的真摯令這生無懷疑 尋獲意義

With endless sincerity let this life found its meaning
當天分開心裡記住 一生知己不太多

That day we apart I remembered I don’t have many best friends
我說願快些再遇 彼此再可傾訴著兩心盡處

I said wish we will meet again

We can talk again deeply in our hearts
想起初中的聖誕樹 一起山坡中看書

Remembered in middle school’s Christmas tree

We stay in the meadow reading books together

我倆互說戀愛際遇 一起挽手苦笑在傘中避雨

We exchange love stories

We hold hands smiling with bitter

under the umbrella escape the rain


You got close to my lover silently because of boredom
完全是他聲線令你心和靈魂 同樣震撼

completely because of his voice

make your heart and soul shocking
怎麼彷彿不再記住 一生知己不太多

how come you don’t remember

there aren’t many best friends in one life

你卻願上演這故事 今天這一封信願我寬恕

You allow yourselves to role play this scene

and today one letter wish my forgiveness
怎麼給他雙眼懾住 怎麼甘心傷我心

how can his eyes let you fall in love

how can you allow yourselves to hurt me

你說願我擺脫往事 今天你可知道夜裡總下雨
you said wish me to forget the memories

but do you know it always raining tonight
人在他鄉裡獨個於凌晨 胡亂發問

A person stays in foreign land alone in midnight alone

keep questioning nonsense
如迷路中的你是愛他如情人 還是放任

Are you being lost

is loving him like a lover

or is being a brat
怎麼彷彿不再記住 一生知己不太多

how come you don’t remember

there aren’t many best friends in one life
你卻願上演這故事 今天這一封信願我寬恕

You allow yourselves to role play this scene

and today one letter wish my forgiveness
怎麼給他雙眼懾住 怎麼甘心傷我心

how can his eyes let you fall in love

how can you allow yourselves to hurt me
你說願我擺脫往事 今天你可知道夜裡總下雨

you said wish me to forget the memories

but do you know it always raining tonight
你說願我擺脫往事 今天你可知道夜裡總下雨

you said wish me to forget the memories

but do you know it always raining tonight

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到了晚上 (莫文蔚) : when the night came (Karen Mok)


給我「曾經」的903 …

remember when I was 14, walked around the 7-11 at midnight to buy beer and walked back that long road back to the home on top of the hill….this song is part of my teenager good memories.






back and forth listening to some songs

borrow the moonlight to count my steps

Don’t want to head home

Just want to see your face

Don’t think Don’t want to think

You don’t want to

Sunset turned into night lights and neon lights attracts my footsteps

Hanging out old places is the habit for many sleepless nights

* 櫥窗里黃燈裡仍擺滿玩意

Window in the shops still have lovely toys

Saw a pedestrian is like ghosts hanging back and forth at night time

Door closed

People left one by one

There must be a thought unwillingly go home

want to leave behind

singing some songs back and forth

It’s midnight but my heart is not calm and peaceful

take the boredom easily and get used to

spend the night without stars shining
Repeat *

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周國賢 有時 – Endy Chow : Sometimes

MTV: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rFbLvWLX5M








我快樂有時 我叫悶有時

sometimes i am happy

sometimes i am bored



can be the given gift from sky


回頭是憤慨 看不到未來

turn my head was hatred and sorrow

can not see the future



contest in the years and months


時光機永未及發明 哪裡覓證明

time machine never catch up and got invented

where has the proof (of that?)



change season makes half of the mountain frozen


這嘀嗒 又嘀嗒

this tic-tac

that tic-tac



clock sounds like the raindrops at the canopy


這秒針 轉個彎

this second handle (from the clock)

turn an angle



bustled and flourished reality is short


一切善或惡 聚或散

all the good or evil

unity or idle



is already set, just earlier or later



has time to anchor time line infinity



to forces history’s gratitude and resentment


仰首太空 再看清一片藍圖星宿

look upward to the space

see the clear blueprint of stars



wonder why the north stars always bright and clear


只可半生奔馳 好比試管嬰兒

only can move faster in half of the life

just like a test-tube baby



can not decoded the metaphor inside the sperm’s hole


戰鬥亦有時 跳舞亦有時

sometimes i m fighting

sometimes i m dancing



can not separated the devil & angel


情慾或理智 這生有限時

lust or logic

this life has an expiration point



how to set the dominated order?


投身於那六道旅程 已再沒姓名

in journey to that six domains

name doesn’t exist anymore



next life made memories frozen


永生間 彈指間

moment in eternal life

moment in a flash



travel blindly in an expedition between speed and light


這秒針 轉個彎

this second handle (from the clock)

turn an angle



bustled and flourished reality is short


一切善或惡 聚或散

all the good or evil

unity or idle



is already set, just earlier or later



has time to anchor time line infinity



to forces history’s gratitude and resentment


仰首太空 再看清一片藍圖星宿

look upward to the space

see the clear blueprint of stars again



wonder why the north stars always bright and clear


只可半生奔馳 好比試管嬰兒

only can move faster in half of the life

just like a test-tube baby



never know the truth inside this dimension



no such Albert Einstein and Hawking’s wisdom and knowledge



Theory of Relativity related and questioned the Theory of Relativity



universe folded repeatedly between cold and warm for four times



love and hatred buried between every second


這秒針 轉個彎

this second handle (from the clock)

turn an angle



bustled and flourished reality is short


新愛或舊愛 沒盛載

new lover or old lover

don’t fall through


最後也失散 你叫喚時間終止

at the end got separated

you call that moment to freeze



never can foresee which day you would be valued and respected again


仰首太空 再看清一片藍圖星宿

look upward to the space

see the clear blueprint of stars again



wonder why the north stars always bright and clear


織女望向牽牛 一知半解眉頭

weaving maiden looks at Cowherd

half knowledge seen through her tip of eyebrow



continue to decode speed of light’s variation from dimension



space’s structure



nano moment or immortal



sometimes i would find you in my memory space



together in seconds and minutes



never ask about living or death



finally there is no separation between you or me

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名字 (梁朝偉) – Name (Tony Leung)

名字 (梁朝偉)

Name (Tony Leung)

假如沒有分離 不知道這樣愛你

If there is no separation

I don’t know I love you this much
從此我所愛的人 都很像你

From there whoever I love

they all look like you
看著別人身體 又遇見你的影子

watching other people’s bodies

See your shadow in them
擁抱的時候 總錯念你的名字

During the hug

I often called your name wrong

思念是殘忍的遊戲 忘記了怎樣去忘記

Memories are brutal games

forgot how to forget
你的名字還留在我呼吸 我以為我不在意

Your name still in my breath

I thought I would never mind that
殘忍的回憶 忘記了怎樣去忘記

Brutal memories

forgot how to forget
我的名字 是否已在你心裡絕跡

My name

is it already erase from your heart?
我在尋尋覓覓 跟你一樣的名字

I’ve been looking around

the one have the same name as you do
想看看他們的臉 像不像你

Want to look at their faces

do they look like you
看著別人身體 又遇見你的影子

watch other people’s bodies

seeing your shadow inside them
快樂不來及 眼淚已經消失

didn’t have enough time to be joyful

tears are disappeared

沒有你的消息 我應該消聲匿跡

there are no your news updates

I should hide away
問自己 怪自己 為什麼不能放棄

question  myself

blame myself

why I can not give up

tattooed the secret name in my heart

(忘記了忘記 回憶了回憶 親蜜的名字)

(forgot how to forget, remember the memories, the lovely closest name)
還留在我呼吸 我以為我不在意

still stay in my breath

I thought I would never mind that
殘忍的回憶 忘記了怎樣去忘記

Brutal memories

forgot how to forget
我的名字 是否已在你心裡絕跡

my name

is it already erased from your heart?

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心結 – 李克勤 knot in the heart : Hakin Lee


心結 – 李克勤

漫漫年月裡 陰影總未消退

many years and months passed by

the shadow still there
曾給玻璃割傷 今日竟不敢喝水

been got cut from glass

today I can’t hold a glass of water
遇動人伴侶 期望講的一句

when I met the charming one

wanted to say the one word
給一滴淚 阻擋進退 像有聲音不允許

but a teardrop is blocking my way

is like a voice not allowing me to do so

*若你看見我最深秘密 明了吧

if you saw my deepest secret

understand right?
請別要 為我祝福便回家

please don’t send me home after blessing


if the knot I can not open

if the arms I can not open
#曾經一次示愛被拒絕時 曾受害

there was a time I got rejected from a love one

there was a time I was the victim

is like the memory stays in my brain million years

if the knot I can not open

if the sky and earth can not be separated

if it met to be with you

who made me comfortable and free
請你共我度過 治療憑著愛 *

please stay with me

during the treatment through love
可憐我 有心可能也是愛 (你不可能再避開)#

mercy me

willing to take action is also mean love

步伐無限重 傷口總未消痛

steps are million times heavier

the wound is not healed and still painful
曾經給火灼傷 今日竟不敢抱擁

there was a time I got burn

today I can not enjoy a hug
熱烈時被吻 無論怎裝輕鬆

during the passioned time got kissed

no matter how much I pretend
心一直動嘴巴太凍 持續不到三秒鐘
my heart keep beating

my mouth is too cold

can not last 3 seconds
Repeat *
我知我的寄掛 永遠令你望我雙眼也害怕

I know my wish

would make you look at me fearfully forever
但我怕繼續愛 愛繼續怕 靠你磨平瘡疤

But I fear from love

love from fear

need you to help me ease the scar

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張茵 愛在惑星的背面 Yennis 1999 *B +PMS violet C +PMS warm Red C



*love is behind the star

在天空星際邊 有一顆星猛閃

at the edge of the sky, there is a star keep shining bright

以它的心跳聲 話我知 座標的新記認

by his heartbeats’ sound, let me know the anchor of the map

內心忐忑發癲 似深秋冰冷天

inside the heart beats ups & downs insanely, just like the icy sky in a cold deep autumn day

能快樂唯共你 能做對太空的子母星

only with you not others, I am able to be happy

and we can be the space’s Gemini stars

* 念你令我絕對痛苦

missing you makes me feel the reality of pain


silence inevitable without words

念你令我哭泣 難再逃避 *

missing you made me cry, and I can not escape anymore

# I love you 無奈愛侶總離別

I love you but lovers always left behind

但世界未有停頓 提示各有天和地

but the world hasn’t ended, and signals has know different destiny between sky and land

明白到 情共愛也可再定

realized that love and emotion can be decoded and encoded again

明瞭在淚乾以後 都只剩 心裡情 #

and realized after the tears dry

the positive love energy would

stay in the heart forever

轉載來自 ※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網

transfer from ※Mojim.com magic mirror lyric

望天空星際邊 那星光閃再閃

look at the edge of the sky

that starlight keep shining and shining

情愛在迷惑我 瞞住我 那孤單的訊息

love and emotions keep confused me

blindfolded me

from the signal of loneliness

Repeat * #

I love you 無奈愛侶總離別

I LOVE YOU inevitable lovers come and goes

但世界未有停頓 提示各有天和地

but the world doesn’t stop

give me signal to the different destiny of sky and land

明白到 情共愛也可再定

realized today

love and emotions can be decoded and encoded again

明瞭在日出以後 不可剩 此際情

realized after the sunrise

this negative love emotion

is not going to encoded and stay in my heart.

La La La… I love you… Ba La La…


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李小龍 bruce lee’s quote


empty your glass so you can refill again





if knowledge is followed by classic mode, you can only survive in the shadow of traditional, and only can understand the old path, you do not understand the core- yourselves.







only knowing is not enough, has to put in useful action; only wishing is not enough, has to put in acts.

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冥想 meditation

Lyric: Anthony wong

Music: Anthony wong

作詞:黃秋生 作曲:黃秋生

無聊在冥想 我會是怎樣

very bored so i m meditating

how would i be

閒來便作曲 高聲的歌唱

composing in my free time

singing volume UP loud


I am like the bird in sky flying freely


looking at you always talk about money makes my heart hurts

常常望向窗 看看俗世上

always looking at window

looking at the matrix

人人亂o甘走 不知方向

human beings are confuse walking

don’t know where they are heading to

每個樣都生得相似 雙眼發青光

every face are so similar

two eyes have lime lights shining


teaching the kids can give up the moral in order to make money

人人話我知 讚美就無事

human beings tell me

GOD BLESSING then everything would be fine

遊魂就有獎 清醒死都似

bingo when is in walking meats mode

awake is like going to dead


but I remember my teacher said being trustful and loyal as always

要我o甘樣草草交貨 我一生悲痛

wanted me just do shitty work and ease the way

I would be so depressed and hurt

人人話我知 讚美就無事

everyone told me

GOD BLESSING then everything would be fine

濛查查就有獎 講真話死都似

BINGO in dizzy research

telling the truth to you is like killing you


when I was little, mom taught me being trustful and loyal as always

你要珍惜一分一秒 勇敢精進

U need to treasure every minutes & second

be brave, have guts and move forward

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